
Use this tool to have an approximate cost of what you would pay for the import and shipment of your purchases.

Ship info to Mexico

Merchandise value in USD

infoAzulWhy is this important?

The tax rate is calculated based on the value of the products. This tax rate applies if the value is $49.99 USD or more.

Mexican ZIP code

Kilogramos y centímetros
Metric system
English system

Package data

infoAzulWhere to find this information?

They are usually shown in the "Product Details" or "Product Dimensions" section.

Please review our list of common items, in case you are not sure of the exact measurements of your package.

Long (cm)

High (cm)

Width (cm)

Weight (kg)

Calculated volumetric weight

Is calculated automatically

Shipping insured?

infoAzulWhat is transport insurance?

If you purchase shipping insurance, we cover the cost of any repair or replacement of merchandise and we also assume responsibility for eventual damage or loss due to transportation and delivery services guaranteeing coverage of the cost of repair or replacement of the merchandise up to a maximum amount of USD $100.00. This insurance only covers the transportation from HoundBox to your delivery address.

infoAzulAs of October 2024, a 17.99% anti-dumping duty will be applied to footwear manufactured in China.

If your purchase is more than $1,000 USD, send us an email to calculate the tax rate:

Remember to consult the list of prohibited items, maximum quantities, among other restrictions. We want to ensure you have the best experience.

How to measure my package

If you are not sure about the dimensions of your package, here are some examples:
